Rabu, 07 September 2016

normal blood sugar for 2 year old

normal blood sugar for 2 year old

Diabetes mellitus is a serious medical disorder characterized by varying or persistently high blood sugar levels resulting from the defective secretion of the hormone. Ask the diabetes educator archive. 10/26/04. q: what is the normal blood sugar for a six year old child? does it differ if the child has adhd? or is it the same for. Managing your blood sugar. from 100 to 180 mg/dl for children under 6 years old ; after meals (1 to 2 hours after eating), your blood sugar should be:.

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Full answer. blood sugar levels are affected by various factors, including the amount of activity, the content of food consumed and how long it's been since eating or. What is the normal range for a 2 year old non diabetic blood sugar? what is the normal range for a 2 year old non diabetic blood sugar? add your answer.. Normal blood glucose range for 2 year old. levels in blood? i am 68 years old my glucose is high i started for 2 year old; normal fasting blood glucose in.

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